Monday, August 07, 2006

Semi-good Weekend

Haih.. Just not used to posting sh*t on this blogspot. It isn't the same no more. I miss typing in HTML codes and all that. Haihz..

Been a semi-good weekend, watched "A Moment To Remember", which I recommend to everyone. 4 1/2 stars.

Got into my first car accident. Super minor one (my mom's Corolla's Toyota symbol fell off), but the Honda's bumper in front needed to be replaced (i guess). Cost me RM200 to kautim. Oh well. No biggie. Although the odds of me spending that RM200 would be 1000-1, it gets me thinking on whether I should go out and buy some expensive stuff for myself (or someone) every once in a while. Hmm..

I need to borrow an MP3 player for a week. Anyone kind enough to pinjam?

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