Thursday, November 29, 2007

28 days and 4 weeks

Why do we get paid on the 28th of each month?

Hmm.. 28 days = 4 weeks. Hmm.. there are 52 weeks in a year, but if you calculate 4 weeks in a month, it comes up to 48 weeks. Do the missing 4 weeks go missing? Do we work for free on those 4 weeks? Hmm..

The usual answer is that it gets accumulated for our yearly bonuses, be it 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, whatever. But what if you DON'T get a bonus? Hmm.. A question that will be answered this coming Chinese New Year.

I for one have never received a bonus before, so it should be an exciting day. Reminds me of my first paycheck back in late late 1996. :)

*keeping fingers crossed til CNY08*

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